Double Sided Thimble, Clover
Folding Scissors
Protect and Grip Thimble (Large)
Protect and Grip Thimble medium
6025 Small Protect And Grip Thimble
Coin Thimble medium, Clover
IRIS Rayon Thread 25g-White
$1.75 $2.25
IRIS Rayon Thread 25g-Gold
Serger Thread 3000yds-Blue Mist
Serger Thread 3000yds-Eggshell
Featherlite Boning 2yds-White
Metal Zipper Creamn-14"
All Purpose Zipper Bright Red-22"
Separating Zipper Red-20"
Separating Zipper Red-24"
Dual Separating Parka Zipper Black-36"
Sport Separating Zipper Cream-28"
Metal Zipper Extra Long Dogwood-30"
Invisible Zipper Navy-7-9"
All Purpose Zipper Red-22"
All Purpose Zipper Black-12"
White Elastic Sewing Thread 30yd Cone
IRIS Rayon Thread 25g-Pumpkin
4.5' angled tweezers 1589, Simplicity
Sharps Size 3/9 Sewing Needles
Raspberry 102, 1mm Fine-50y Rainbow Elastic
Curved Tapestry Needle, Clover
Darning Egg, 2.5" Hardwood with Handle
Glovers / Leather Needles
Quilter's Curved Needle