A Bouquet of Shirley Poppies to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
$3.50 $6.50
Clematis Flowers on the vine to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Camelia Flowers to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Peony Flowers to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Stephanotis & Rosettes to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Sweetheart Roses to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Just Tulips to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Forget-Me-Not Flowers to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
Just Pansies to Knit & Felt, Nora J. Bellows
My First Felted Tote to Knit, Heritage Pattern
$3.00 $5.50
Potluck Bulky Felted Bag to Knit, Cherry Tree Hill Pattern
$4.50 $5.50
Henrietta & Family to Knit & Felt, Fiber Trends Knitting Pattern
$5.00 $6.50
Nuts About Squirrels - Knit & Felt, Fiber Trends Knitting Pattern
Gotta Get A Gecko - Knit & Felt, Fiber Trends Knitting Pattern
Marigold Bears to Knit & Felt, Fiber Trends
Baby Owl Takes Flight - Knit & Felt, Fiber Trends Knitting Pattern
The Field Guide to Fleece, Deborah Robson & Carol Ekarius
Zadie and Plain Vanilla - The Rainbow Alpaca, Barb Ziek & Denise Duker
$12.99 $17.99
How to Select Color Palettes, Color Wheel
Felting Natural Wool, Bernat
$2.99 $3.50
Indygo Junction's Needle Felting, Amy Barickman
$19.99 $24.95
Felted Knits, Beverly Galeskas
$16.99 $21.95
Felt Frenzy, Heather Brack & Shannon Okey
$19.99 $21.95
The Dyer's Companion, Dagmar Klos
$16.99 $19.95
Fabulous Felted Handknits, Jane Davis
Great Felted Bags, Patons
$3.99 $5.95
Felt Forward, Maggie Pace
$18.50 $21.95
Simply Felt, Margaret Docherty & Jayne Emerson
Shibori Knitted Felt, Alison Crowther-Smith
$21.00 $24.95
Yarns to Dye for, Kathleen Taylor